Year 4 trip to Shimba Hills
Year 4 students at Shimba Hills.On 11 February 2020, Year 4 students from AKA Mombasa went on an overnight trip to Shimba Hills National Reserve located 30 kilometers from Mombasa as a highlight on their unit ‘Inquiry, Ecosystems’.
The students enjoyed a wide range of activities during their trip. “They enjoyed a game drive where they saw cape buffalos, impalas and warthogs,” said Year 4 teacher Michelle Perez. “After lunch at Shimba Hills Lodge, they took a hike to Sheldrick Falls and in the evening they had the opportunity to interview rangers. Right before bedtime they were told legends from an elder under the starry night.”
Year 4 students playing at Sheldrick Falls.“My experience was wonderful as I got a chance to go out into nature and feel relaxed,” said Year 4 student Haytham Muses. “My favourite part was taking a hike to the waterfalls.” Haytham added that he felt independent because he had a chance to organise himself without help from his parents.
The trip was a great way for students to understand and interact with the physical environment around them. It equally provided a great way of exploring and practically applying theoretical concepts outside the classroom. The insightfulness of the trip was beneficial in encouraging students to develop skills for inquiry and research thus enriching their learning experiences.