Students emerge victorious in mooting competition
Baraka Wandario, DP2, with a faculty member from the Dundee Law School at the mooting competition.On 23 September 2019, the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa was invited to a mooting competition against Oshwal Academy where they emerged victorious.
A mooting competition is an oral presentation of a legal issue or problem against an opposing counsel and before a judge. Our AKA Mombasa students were expected to work through a legal problem, provided by the University of Dundee, and develop oral arguments for the respondents (defendants) and appellants (the person who filed the claim), which they presented to faculty members from the Dundee Law School. Top Row: Faizaan Firoz (DP1), Janice Njuguna (DP1), Anais Shalita (DP2), Osman Mahmud (DP2), Vikhil Samani (year 10), Ryan Maina (year 10). Bottom Row: Baraka Wandario (DP2), Marco Adriko (DP2) at the mooting competition.The students chosen to represent the Academy were Janice Njuguna (DP1, Team Captain), Anais Shalita (DP2), Marco Adriko (DP2), Baraka Wandario (DP2), Osman Mahmud (DP2), Faizaan Firoz (DP1), Ryan Maina (year 10) and Vikhil Samani (year 10). These students were chosen for their demonstrated interest in law.
Anais Shalita, DP2, presenting at the mooting competition.In the competition the Academy won both moots against Oshwal. One of our students, Anais Shalita, was also recognised for her eloquent and articulate speech, while Marco Adriko was recognised for his quippy remarks and complex legal arguments. With this victory, the Academy’s scores were considered in the final competition in Nairobi, where the Academy emerged fourth out of 18 schools.
The students worked well together to achieve this amazing result and have all expressed continued interest in mooting as a discipline. Speaking about her experience, Team Captain Janice Njuguna, said the competition “was a very enriching experience” where she learnt many new skills she could use in future, like collaborative planning and legal analysis.
Ryan Maina said the experience confirmed his career aspirations and trajectory.
“I am now sure that I want to become an advocate and appear in court,” Ryan said. “I had so much fun and I can’t wait to teach the skill to others.”
By Aileen Kimuhu