Our Top Maths Students Know the Score | Aga Khan Academies

Our Top Maths Students Know the Score

23 October 2013

Last year our top maths students once again entered the American Scholastic Mathematics Association (ASMA) competition and finished in the top ten places.  Results have recently been announced and in this very competitive international test our best student in the senior division, George Adede (pictured), came in 9th position in terms of ranking while our junior division candidate Zishaan Sunderji was in 10th position, both with scores of 31.

In order to sharpen the problem-solving skills and increase motivation levels of students in mathematics, the Academy registers annually for the ASMA contest which is conducted over a six-month period from October to March. A set of six contests, one per month, is administered to a selected group of 10 top-scoring students and the cumulative score is then calculated.

Each contest has 7 items and the score on each item is either 1 or 0. Therefore the maximum a student can score in each contest is 7, giving a possible total score of 42.

The contest ranks the students and at the same time ranks the participating schools based on the overall students’ scores. In the last two contests, the Aga Khan Academy has been ranked second in the senior and junior competitions.  Well done to our maths champions and their tutors.