Jumping into Grade 6
The Grade 5 students held a ceremony to celebrate the completion of their Primary Years Programme (PYP). Through the PYP students are agents of their own learning and they are partners in the learning process from a very young age. It prioritises people and their relationships to build a strong learning community. Students learn through inquiry and reflecting on their own learning. They develop knowledge, conceptual understandings and an appreciation for the world around them so they can make a difference in their own lives and the communities around them.
“I feel like I’m going to be Back in Grade 1 and we’re going to be the babies again but I’m very excited to start senior school. I’m most excited to meet new people and learn new things,” Emmanuel Dudi. Grade 5
“To all the Grade 5s, we are so proud of all your efforts and accomplishments throughout the years. May you celebrate this time recalling fond memories from your past and dreaming exciting visions of your future. Continue to be inspired every day!” Michelle Perez, Grade 5 teacher
“You finally made it through your PYP journey! It has been a gruelling one, but you have clearly come out victorious. As you proceed to the MYP programme, here is to wish you the very best in everything that you do. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world, we are sending you forth to be change-makers in everything that you endeavour to accomplish. Best of luck to all of you!” Kepha Obiri, Translanguaging teacher