Student Spotlight - Ayan Boghani | Aga Khan Academies

Student Spotlight - Ayan Boghani

14 August 2020

If you could be magically transported to one specific location right now, where would it be?

It would probably be school! You do not realize the importance of something until you do not have it. School is family for me, and being there for over 6 years makes me miss it even more. Learning in a classroom environment is so different to learning online. Having that physical connection with a teacher goes a long way in terms of how you learn. Also, knowing that the campus is a community with people that I know has made this time quite challenging.

What are the top three things you like about the Academy?

First of all, I love the greenery.  I brought up in Dubai and natural trees are not a common occurrence in the country.  The greenery and the fresh air of the campus is something I really like. Secondly, I really like the teachers and how supportive they are. I was a fifth grader when I first came to school and the youngest in the dorms.  Something I could always depend upon was the teachers and their support. It is something I still cherish to this day. Thirdly, the teaching style.  The way we are helped to think critically about things and why they are what they are has really opened me up to new ideas. It has made me a lot more accepting of new experiences and helped me to branch out to study different subjects.   

What is keeping you focused and positive?

I think there are two things that are keeping me focused and positive. Firstly, it's my parents.  They have been a very important part of making sure that I stay positive. During these challenging times it's very easy to look at the negative and dwell on it, but my parents have always told me to keep a positive attitude. Secondly, I am staying focused by trying to keep myself busy in whatever I am doing throughout the day. Although things have started to open up, people are still staying at home by choice and it is very easy to start binge watching a show! I have tried keeping myself productive by doing an online course as well as trying to learn about investments and actually making one myself!

What is your biggest cause of frustration/challenge during lockdown?

When you are confined to your home it is very easy to lose track of what is happening in the world. That is something I have been a victim to.  After a while, I started taking things too easy.  My physical and mental health suffered. I decided there was no point in working because of lockdown.  I had that attitude for a while and challenging it was difficult!   I managed to change my attitude by thinking about the repercussions of my actions. I realized that lockdown is not going to be forever and once things start opening up there are going to be people far ahead of me.  This altered my perspective and allowed me to overcome a negative cycle.

Any things you are finding beneficial about the present situation?

Something that I have been finding beneficial is the amount of time I have for the things I love. For the past 6 years I have been coming and going from the academy and have not really had time to spend with my parents.  The present situation has allowed me to spend more time with them and I am very grateful for that. Secondly, I have always been fascinated by the idea of making money at a young age.  I thought the lockdown was the best time to do that!  I have been learning about making investments.  I have made an investment myself which I am proud of because it has been turning out very well!


If you had a chance to pass on one piece of advice to your fellow students right now, what would it be?

STAY POSITIVE. This is just a phase, but there have been times when I have become dejected because I thought, “what is the point?” But use the time you have. Do something you love. In my opinion the world has been moving so fast that people were only focused on keeping up with it.  Right now things have paused and everything is right there in front of you to make the most of. I have often dreamed of monetizing something that I already love. I have invested in high end streetwear and clothing.  I didn’t realise that this was something I could turn into a profitable project.  Having the extra time during the pandemic has allowed me to realize potential I didn’t see before.  Staying positive is a lesson I will never forget!