Science as a Change Agent | Aga Khan Academies

Science as a Change Agent

25 April 2016

On 16 April, grades 11 and 12 International Baccalaureate Diploma students had their annual Group 4 presentation. This was an interdisciplinary activity centered on collaboration between students from different Group 4 (science and technology) subjects, working on a common topic or problem through analysis of the processes involved in, and the products of such an activity. This year, the theme was 'Kitchen Science', and students identified various issues related to the kitchen, carrying out experiments to find solutions. The presentations displayed were managed well in terms of time and the students demonstrated solid preparation. 

 Dr. Desai, a Principal Scientist from CREDA (Centre of Research for Dry Land Agriculture) was invited to deliver a talk. On the importance of pulses, he focused on the context of India and its plans to deploy pulses for their health, ecological and economic benefits. This was particularly pertinent as 2016 has been declared the International Year of Pulses by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  

Science Day for the Middle Years Programme students kicked off with debates on different topics for each grade:

  • Grade 6 – ‘Is mankind responsible for extinction of animals?’
  • Grade 7 – ‘The agricultural sector has more advantages than the industrial sector’
  • Grade 8 – ‘For or against the practice of animal testing’
  • Grade 9 – ‘In science, logic is more important than imagination’.

A series of fascinating exchanges ensued, with the students being judged on organization and clarity, use of arguments, use of rebuttal, presentation style and time management. 

 Dr. Desai made a second presentation for grades 6–9. Following that, there was a riveting quiz competition with several rounds, all performed using digital technology. After lunch, there was an on-the-spot model making competition, themed 'Science in Summer'. Students exhibited innovative ideas to design houses, fans, and ventilators using recycled material.