Meet the Teacher Day | Aga Khan Academies

Meet the Teacher Day

31 August 2015

Junior School parents - old and new, had an informative and interactive afternoon at the Academy on Saturday 22 August 2015. They spent an hour with their children’s teachers understanding their expectations from students as well as parents. This was also an opportunity for parents to see their children’s classroom and meet the teachers.

Following this, they attended an orientation session during which they got to revisit the AKA learner profile and the importance of role modeling the attributes around their children. They were keen participants in both sessions and displayed an amazing awareness and knowledge of the attributes.

The parents also developed a deeper insight into the PYP curriculum and the alignment between the vision of the IB and of the academy. This provided them with a forum to raise concerns and burning questions.

The Head of Academy, the Junior School Principal and the PYP Coordinator addressed them.