Humans of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad - Ananya Shah | Aga Khan Academies

Humans of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad - Ananya Shah

18 April 2020

If you could be magically transported to one specific location on campus right now, where would it be?

To the top of a tree near the back of the Academy Building, at the edge of the practice field, overlooking the vast football pitch. From this vantage point, I can see the sunset and the sunrise, I can experience the calm of rustling leaves, peacock songs and chirping birds.

What are the top three things you are missing about the Academy?

I miss the expansive and green campus and all the trees which dance as a breeze weaves through them; all the beautiful birds which make Monday morning not-so-painful with their melodies! And finally, the people - all my teachers, beginning with Dr.long, Mr. Suresh and Ms. Koel’s enthusiastic “good mornings”!

What is keeping you focused and positive?

Spending quality and creative time with family.  Reaching out to people, grabbing opportunities on virtual platforms, learning new skills and keeping active.

Biggest cause of frustration during lockdown?

Other than the fact that I can’t meet my friends, I think it is the uncertainty of our collective future as graduates. I’m deeply upset by the fact that I can’t return to school in the coming months. But most importantly, the biggest challenge is to go without icecream for this long!

Any things you are finding really beneficial about the lockdown?

Lockdown has really shown me the advantages of solitude. It has helped me pick up a pen and write every now and then, something I had forgotten in my busy social life. It has also helped me catch up with my reading and sleep.

If you had a chance to pass on one piece of advice to your fellow students right now, what would it be?

Act now! Even though we are isolated from community, it doesn’t mean that we slip into lethargy and expect ourselves to be back to normal once lockdown ends. Keeping a journal will really help you keep a track of your time in what feels like an endless vortex.