Graduation - Class of 2015 | Aga Khan Academies

Graduation - Class of 2015

27 May 2015

"Life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements." Bernie Siegel

23 May 2015 will be a significant day for many as it marked the commencement into a new phase of life not only for the class of 2015 but also the parents as they proudly watched their sons and daughters receive the AKA pins that mark the end of the journey of school life and entry into the world of independence of a young adult's life.

The day began with the hustle and bustle of the students getting ready and the excitement of walking down the row of cheering parents, guests and juniors. Everyone was very excited to see the class of 2015 finally completing a successful two years of the IB Diploma Programme.

It was a moment of realisation for many as the keynote speaker, Dr. Matt Reed talked of how people will forget the words spoken by the speakers but will cherish the moment forever. The students’ representatives, Simya Surani and Rahul Gupta talked of their journey of challenges and successes and how it has helped them mature and grow as young leaders ready to take on the world. In addition, there were speeches by Mr. Salim Bhatia and Dr. Geoff Fisher.

The parents felt grateful and proud of the education their children received in this Academy, as their children's successes were read out by Ms.Sreelatha, the Principal of the Junior School as they received their graduation certificates.

We wish them success as they leave the nest of AKA, Hyderabad and fly out in the big blue sky of the world equipped with the skills to be the change makers for a better society.


To read the speeches, please click on the links below:

- Salim Bhatia's Welcome Address

- Matt Reed's Keynote Speech

To see a slideshow of graduation photos, click here