Creative Saturday – Another of our Happiness Saturdays! | Aga Khan Academies

Creative Saturday – Another of our Happiness Saturdays!

17 December 2015

On Saturday, 21 November 2015 creativity was celebrated at the Junior School. The day was split into three separate carousels for grades 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5. Students in the younger grades participated in storytelling, recycle art and drama activities, while the older students took part in drama, dance and prop-making for the Junior School musical. In the afternoon, all the students came together for the rehearsal of the songs for ‘The Button Box’ musical.

It was very gratifying to see members of the community volunteering to conduct sessions.

  • Ms Jayanthi regaled the students with her stories and was helped by Ms Sheila who organized some dance movements to accompany the songs that were part of the session.
  • Ms Gauri came in to do recycle art with the students, which included origami with old magazine paper, cardboard box structures, and old CD coasters.
  • Our own Ms Ridhi conducted a mini drama workshop for the younger students, while Mr Chandrashekar from the Senior School did the workshop for the older ones.
  • Ms Sana came in to teach different types of dance to the students.
  • Ms Nivedita and Ms Mosuhumi organised the painting of the backdrops and ‘buttons’ in preparation for the musical.

The day was spent on exploring and learning a variety of creative expressions, and everyone left with their creative juices flowing.