Academy athletes blitz Hyderabad 5K run | Aga Khan Academies

Academy athletes blitz Hyderabad 5K run

28 November 2017

27 students and nine faculty participated in the Hyderabad 5K run this past weekend. 

Students trained for months under the tutelage of Michelle Massaro, STEAM expert, design faculty and seasoned marathoner. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, students met on the track for practice with Michelle. As a result, students were well-prepared and excited when they boarded the bus at 5:00 am to head to the race.

Along the race course, singers performed traditional songs and cheerleaders danced in tune to cheer runners on. Our group stuck together and supported each other with every step. We were easily idenitiable in our custom-made red AKA Run Club t-shirts, catching the eye of reporters and photographers. 

"It was honestly one of the best days of my life," reflected Nanjiba of grade 11 after the race. "To have all your friends and teachers there supporting you. It didn't matter if you won; just having the experience was worth it."

In addition to the feeling of accomplishment students got from successfully completing the race, they also received "swag bags" that included snacks, a t-shirt, and other goodies.

Many thanks to Coach Michelle for preparing us all and for organizing the event. Congratulations, team!

Written by Jennifer Tubbs