AKA Dhaka celebrates World Children’s Day  | Aga Khan Academies

AKA Dhaka celebrates World Children’s Day 

23 November 2022

On Saturday, 19 November, the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka celebrated World Children’s Day with faculty members, parents and students of the Primary Years Programme (PYP).  

The day started with several music and dance performances from the PYP students in front of a packed audience at the Academy’s amphitheatre. The brilliant acts immediately created a fantastic ambience on the campus. After the performances, students and parents participated in a fun-filled carnival in the Maidan. The excitement grew when students saw the bouncy castle; almost everyone took a turn to go up and jump. The celebration also included candy floss and popcorn corners, various fun games like balloon darts, human-sized snakes and ladders, an interactive kaleidoscope and more. 

A puppet show took place after a short break at the amphitheatre, where everyone shared a good laugh.  

“I had a lot of fun today with my friends and family,” said Grade 5 student Ahmed Muaz. 

Parents equally shared the students’ excitement,and many participated in the activities with great enthusiasm and wholeheartedly enjoyed the event. 

“We really had an amazing time,” said Ms Suma Kassamali, a parent of a Grade 5 student. “We look forward to many more events like these in the near future.”