environmental awareness | Aga Khan Academies

How the Aga Khan Academies promote environmental stewardship

Court of Palms at AKA Maputo

In an op-ed piece, Iman Kazani, a Diploma Programme 2 student from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, shares her findings from her virtual internship with the Aga Khan Development Network on how the Academies teaches its students about the environment and climate change through its curriculum and various initiatives.

How the Aga Khan Academies promote environmental stewardship

Court of Palms at AKA Maputo

In an op-ed piece, Iman Kazani, a Diploma Programme 2 student from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, shares her findings from her virtual internship with the Aga Khan Development Network on how the Academies teaches its students about the environment and climate change through its curriculum and various initiatives.

Encouraging environmental education at an early age

Mozambican environmental activist and lawyer, Carlos Serra Junior, visited the Aga Khan Academy Maputo to talk about his work on water pollution. He met with students from Grade 3 - 5 and discussed issues like environmental education and water pollution in Mozambique.

Green Day Activities

Students collected recyclable materials on campus and arranged various activities to discuss and promote environmental awareness.

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