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Ivy Akinyi: Video spotlight


Introducing Ivy, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. Her innate drive for self-growth and desire to give back to the community makes her a true home-grown leader.


Sadiq Issa: Video spotlight


Meet Sadiq, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. Open-mindedness, confidence and time management are some of the many characteristics he has developed at the Academy that will help him achieve his dream of becoming a journalist.


Stephen Githakwa: Video spotlight


This is Stephen, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. His passion for community service shines as he expresses the growth in perspective he experienced through his education at the Academy.


Saumya Gupta: Video spotlight

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Meet Saumya, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. A musician and a leader, she shares her wisdom on what it means to make a true positive impact.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Aga Khan Academies Alumni Update

Aga Khan Academies Alumni Update

Thank you for visiting the Aga Khan Alumni page. We want to be sure we have your current information so that we can stay in touch.

We ask that you kindly fill out the information request below. Rest assured that your personal information will remain confidential and will be for the Academy’s purposes only.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Which Academy did you attend as a student?
What year did you graduate from the Academy?
City, State and Country you are or will be living
Where are you currently studying or employed?
Year you expect to graduate from this university
Did you receive any financial assistance for your university education?

Dania Quadri (Class of 2014): Giving back as an alumna

“Being part of an open-minded community that encouraged challenging what we were taught, the willingness to accept one another and inspire each other to grow constantly, was very refreshing. I credit these experiences for much of whom I am today.”
– Dania Quadri, Class of 2014

Dania Quadri currently studies biomedical science at St George’s, University of London, United Kingdom. During her summer vacation in Hyderabad, she decided to put her time to good use through a short internship at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. She was involved in teaching science and leadership to Grade 7 students and assisted with Diploma Programme-level history, biology and theory of knowledge classes.

She was also instrumental in helping to organise the Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) in September 2016.

“As I aspire to be a doctor, I feel that it is necessary to acquire experience in a role that demands care, patience and a great deal of understanding,” she explains. “I knew teaching and organising the MHAW would contribute to my personal growth and career aspirations but it would also allow me to give back to my school – something very important to me.”

Through MHAW, Dania was able to contribute to reducing the stigma associated with mental illness within the Academy community.

“As a student myself, I know how hard it is for students who are mentally unwell to cope with studies and social life at school," she said. "I wanted to spread awareness about it being perfectly normal to feel mentally unwell, to know the difference between clinical illness and just a rough emotional phase, and to encourage students to seek help and advice if they are feeling low.”

Her internship made her realise she was more passionate about education than she thought. She particularly enjoyed the responsibility an educator has in developing a student’s personality and knowledge.

“As a teacher, it was interesting to observe school from the other side," she said. "Spending time with all the teachers made me realise how much they actually care for their students. The support is incredible at the Academy and different learning abilities are not only understood but truly valued.”

Quick Facts about the Academy

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa (established 2003)

Location: Kizingo area of Mombasa Island

Campus size: 18 acres of land; campus design inspired by local Swahili architecture



The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School

IB programmes:

  • Primary Years Programme: years 1–5
  • Middle Years Programme: years 6–10
  • Diploma Programme: years 11–12

Aga Khan Curricular Strands, implemented across the curriculum:
Ethics, Pluralism, Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations), Governance and Civil Society, and Economics for Development


Staff and students

Faculty numbers: 7 senior management, 70 Senior School faculty, 27 Junior School faculty, 104 administrative staff

Number of students currently enrolled: 687 day and residential students in total: 181 day students in the Junior School; 506 day and residential students in the Senior School, with 270 in residence

Numbers of students and teachers at full capacity: 750 students and 90 teachers, with over 30% of students receiving some form of financial aid

First IB Diploma Programme graduating class: 2007


Residential students

Number of residential students: 270 currently, with full capacity of 300 students

Number of students per room: Between 1 and 4, with second year Diploma Programme students in single or double rooms

Residential facilities: Student lounge with large-screen television, study areas, laundry facilities, dining hall


Campus facilities

Sports facilities: 25-metre swimming pool, diving pool, full-sized sport field, Astroturf field, gym,
three regulation-sized basketball courts, cricket pitch, tennis courts, squash courts, badminton court, volleyball court, netball court and junior play area

Arts facilities: Rooms for fine arts, music, dance; individual music practice booths; music recording area; amphitheatre performance space

Academic areas: Junior School classrooms, Senior School classrooms, science and computer laboratories, multiple-award-winning library and resource centre, arts facilities, music and dance studios

Residential buildings: Six residential blocks: three male and three female; 4–6 dorm parent apartments in each block. Each block has a central atrium, lounge area, ocean view, patio and laundry facilities

Technology: The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa has been named a Microsoft Showcase School, the only school in East Africa to receive this designation


Professional Development Centre

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is home to a Professional Development Centre for the advancement of teachers. The primary objective of this centre is to provide professional development that will benefit the wider school system in Kenya.

Programming began in June 2010 with a Professional Learning for Educators Series for teachers in local government, independent and not-for profit schools.

Through the Microsoft Showcase Schools programme, the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa shares ideas globally and supports other schools in Kenya to improve learning and student outcomes through technology.


The Aga Khan Academies network

18 Academies are planned in South and Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
3 Academies are currently operating: Mombasa, Kenya (opened 2003); Hyderabad, India (opened 2011); and Maputo, Mozambique (opened 2013).
When complete, the network will represent 2,000 teachers and 14,000 students (boys and girls), with 1,400 graduates annually.

Institutional partnerships include:

Agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network; universities including Harvard, Oxford, Toronto and University of California, Los Angeles; secondary schools including Phillips Academy, Andover, USA and Schule Schloss Salem, Germany.


Imtiyaz Hariyani (Class of 2014): From Hyderabad to Abu Dhabi and beyond

Imtiyaz Hariyani credits the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad with giving him more than just the academic skills he needs to succeed at the undergraduate level. In his words, it has also provided him with “the ability to thrive in a pluralist society and function in an intellectually and culturally diverse setting.” This is particularly fitting for Imtiyaz as he has had experiences in various parts of the world: he has just finished in degree in  Biology  at NYU Abu Dhabi and has undertaken opportunities in Mombasa and Lisbon. He is working towards a career in research in Molecular Biology or Bioinformatics.

Imtiyaz is from Pune, India and first heard about the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad in Feburary 2012 – he distinctly remembers making the decision to attend. His parents attended a seminar conducted by the Academy in Pune but they hesitated to ask Imtiyaz if he would be willing to study all the way in Hyderabad. For Imtiyaz, who had grown up at home and was attached to his family, their uncertainty was justified. And yet, he replied, “Why not?”

“Undeniably,” says Imtiyaz, “that day has shaped my career and is the reason for my academic progress and journey to NYU Abu Dhabi.”

At AKA Hyderabad, Imtiyaz was introduced to the merits of a global education and the International Baccalaureate programme. He quickly became familiar with an educational style quite different from what he had experienced in middle school: instead of rote learning, the Academy focuses on understanding concepts in a hands-on, practical manner. Imtiyaz believes that this approach to teaching, along with an emphasis on extra-curricular activities under the banner of Creativity, Activity and Service, led him to redefine what it means to be educated.

The Academy in Hyderabad offered students outlets to shape the school’s future. “In the senior school’s first year of establishment, we also received the opportunity to initiate activities that would turn into legacies,” Imtiyaz recalls. With a classmate, he transformed his passion for cricket into the AKA Hyderabad Cricket League, now in its sixth season. “As an alumnus who returned to the Academy three years after graduating,” he reflects, “I was immensely proud to see how the students have respected and maintained the legacies set by the Class of 2014 and have contributed to uplifting their standards to an extraordinary level.”

After graduating from the Academy, Imtiyaz took a gap year and was offered a five-month internship at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. There, he tutored students in various subjects, supported the cricket team, and mentored a group of Middle Years Programme students.

Imtiyaz’s internship in Mombasa was the beginning of his global experiences in the past few years. “Mombasa was the first time I had left my country in twelve years and the fact that I was going to a new continent knowing nobody was intimidating at first,” he remarks. “Fast forward two and half years – it has become an essential part of my life.”

Last summer, Imtiyaz pursued a research program in Lisbon, the city which is host to the Global Seat of the Ismaili Imamat. There, he celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of His Highness the Aga Khan, the Imam of the Ismaili Muslim community and founder of the Aga Khan Academies, which he thoughtfully describes as “the perfect occasion to rejoice and reflect upon life after the Academy, and to express our gratitude to the Imam who has served the worldwide community for sixty years and has contributed to uplifting the quality of countless lives globally.”

Currently, Imtiyaz is working as a Research Assistant at NYU Abu Dhabi. Imtiyaz attributes his desire to seek the best in his university education and to learn first-hand about other countries and cultures to his experience at the Academy in Hyderabad and the vision of His Highness the Aga Khan.

“The spirit that the Academy embedded in me has allowed me to emerge as a global scholar with the support of my family and lifelong friends that I made in Hyderabad and elsewhere,” he explains. “From Pune to Portugal, I believe this journey is a result of His Highness’s tireless efforts in the field of education, and the Academies which have implemented this vision with great success.”

By Natasha Pirani

Bilal Adamjee: Video spotlight

Meet Bilal, currently a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. For Bilal, studying at the Academy has instilled in him the value of learning whilst always thinking about the bigger picture: understanding how his studies today will impact the world tomorrow.

Stephen Githakwa: Video spotlight

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This is Stephen, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. His passion for community service shines as he expresses the growth in perspective he experienced through his education at the Academy.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
