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Aashish Dhammani (Class of 2015): Student into teacher

As an intern at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, you are immersed into the everyday life of teaching and learning amidst some extraordinary intellectuals. Being an Academy graduate myself, I have valued diversity in thoughts, lifestyles and priorities. In the last three months and fourteen days, that was put to test. Every day has been a learning experience, be it with peers or among guests with immense wisdom, my storehouse is now filled with a plethora of knowledge.
Interning under the Dean of Students, Aaron Jacob, my internship focused on academic support for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme students in history and theory of knowledge. Additionally, I was also a dorm parent trying to balance a variety of academic and personal issues in student life. In the process, I have developed skills of time management, communicating in a working environment, organisation and resilience under pressure. I was also involved in facilitation of the Hyderabad yearbook 2016, interaction with visitors, assisting in the making of the first IB Middle Years Programme film and various Senior School events.

The biggest challenge for me was to draw a fine line in situations between being a senior and a teacher for students. I have learnt that as a teacher, one has to make hard choices, choices that change attitudes, opinions and relationships. I had to make hard choices too. Being a dorm parent I had to be firm in order that students acknowledged and appreciated the efforts put in towards student life in the residences.
In my time here, I have grown to value the time, energy and knowledge that goes into the profession of teaching, which unfortunately is not widely respected across our Indian subcontinent. I also realised that as a teacher, you work equally as hard as any student in your class. In the future, my goal will also be to change the stereotypical image of a profession which is as challenging, enriching and rejuvenating as any other valuable profession. Teaching is reliving every day and growing individually. 

The Academy is an environment that challenges and nurtures leaders that are fearless, courageous and stewards. I have always envisioned growing up to be one myself. After this internship I am confident that my dream isn’t too far removed. I will continue to motivate myself to grow, beat the odds, acknowledge diversity and tap into the unfathomable.

I am ready to take on another journey from oblivion to self-discovery!

By Aashish Dhammani

Teacher exchange continues with visit to Hyderabad campus

Teacher exchange continues with visit to Hyderabad campus

Helping Teachers Improve their Teaching

Strengthening teaching beyond the Academies

Jonathon Marsh: Supporting the quality of teaching at the Academies

Jonathon Marsh has system-wide responsibility for teacher development at the Aga Khan Academies network. Having worked for the Academies for the past 10 years, he has previously had leadership roles in education in Canada, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, including as the Head of Professional Development and Research for the International Baccalaureate. In this interview, he shares the highlights of his position at the Academies, and reflects on how the Academies are unique from other educational institutions.

Tell us the journey that led you to the Academies.

I first came across the AKDN when I was in Hong Kong. I read a recruitment ad in the Times Higher Education magazine seeking people to fill positions at the then recently opened Aga Khan University in Karachi. I remember looking at the ad and experiencing a strong sense of conviction that one day I would work for this organisation. More than a decade later, while working at the IB, I was introduced to Salim Bhatia [Director of Academies] by the then Chair of the IB’s governing council. Salim asked me if I knew anyone that would be interested in taking a lead role in teacher development for the emerging Academies. At the same time, he was in discussion with Monique Conn, who was my line manager at the IB, about the position of Academic Director. Monique accepted the position soon thereafter and persuaded me to join as well.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working for the Aga Khan Academies?

I think the majority of my colleagues would unanimously reply “the students”, and they would be right to do so. However, for me the job is about quality teaching, and having the opportunity to really influence the discourse on teaching and learning in the countries and regions we work within is very exciting. Having a chance to work both at the high end with government ministries, NGOs and universities and at the chalk face with individual teachers, especially young people new to teaching, provides me with a full spectrum of very meaningful and satisfying engagements.

What led you to choose your particular career?

I don’t see it as a career but rather as a vocation. I see the profession of teaching as critically important to the health and ongoing development of any society. As such, I can think of no better way to contribute to the betterment of humanity.

What attracted you to the Academy?

First and foremost, the vision and mission. Especially attractive is His Highness the Aga Khan’s insight into the importance of the profession of teaching and the need to restore its much diminished status in the various geographies within which the Academies are located.

Reflecting on your time at the Academy, is there a particular day that was especially rewarding and memorable?

There are too many to count. Among them perhaps two stand out: 1) the graduation of the first cohort of teacher interns completing the Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP), and 2) becoming the first (and as yet only) school network in the world to offer a teacher development programme recognised under the IB Educator Certificate initiative. The building of the TPP and overcoming the many associated challenges took an extraordinary amount of effort, with contributions coming from many people. Seeing it come to fruition was very gratifying.

How do you think you contribute to the inner workings of the Academies and to the achievement of its goals?

I work collegially with the Heads and senior staff in each Academy to think through and implement systems to support the quality of teaching across the network. This includes working with both external and internal providers to source and implement professional development programmes; liaising with universities and other AKDN agencies to define and conduct research and development projects; providing support for the collection and analysis of standardised data; ongoing development and application of the Academies’ teacher appraisal programme; specifying career pathways for teachers; and contributing to the specification of the Academies outreach strategy.

What sort of positive impact have the Academies had on you?

I have gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding around what it takes to start up a high quality school. I have also gained a great deal of insight into the full complexity of running a school. I have always had a great deal of admiration for those brave and committed enough to teach, but my admiration has grown considerably for those who continue to do so under very difficult circumstances. 

In what ways has the Academy helped you to become a more effective advocate in the education world?

I am nearing the end of my professional life (I am not really sure what that means other than a euphemism for being over 60), and my role in the Academies has provided me with a unique opportunity to apply much of the knowledge and understanding I have gained over the years. I have drawn upon my background in philosophy and spirituality to better ground my efforts to develop systems within His Highness’s vision for the Academies. I have drawn upon my studies in educational technology to inform system development. My time at the IB has helped me to understand the particular needs of IB teachers and how to support them. The years spent in tertiary education have enabled me to better liaise with universities and support research and data collection. Working with the Academies has allowed me to not only to promote principles of good practice and high quality education, it has provided me with a platform to do so in places that are hungry for change and very much in need of educational reform.

How would you describe the teacher development work with which you engage?

I would describe it as very rewarding precisely because it is very challenging. When it comes to teacher development, we are dealing with many layers of readiness among practitioners. Each country has its own approach to teacher preparation, and within each country not all teachers are given equal standing. For example, senior school teachers are typically better trained and better paid than junior school teachers. Junior school teacher preparation often does not involve gaining a university degree, and only those who could not get into a university opt for junior school teacher training programmes. Convincing people that teaching young children is at least as complex and difficult as teaching older kids is surprisingly difficult. Yet how are we supposed to achieve the kinds of sophisticated learning outcomes envisioned by His Highness if we do not prepare students for them right from the beginning? Building the necessary culture of professional respect for the expertise of all teachers, and indeed helping teachers to define and value their own professional identities is particularly important and very challenging. 

What do you think sets the Academies apart from other educational institutions?

The Academies are not unique. There are other schools around the world which share many of the same attributes. However, they do have some very interesting defining characteristics. Firstly, the degree to which they are vision and mission led is compelling for many. Secondly, the commitment they have to provide access to excellent education to talented kids regardless of their ability to pay. Thirdly, their commitment to serve the countries they are in by providing an international standard of education for a majority of local students and employing 80% local teachers. Lastly, their rootedness in the local community and their ability to draw upon the many strengths of the wider AKDN as well as the committed and generous support of the Ismaili community.

How do you think the Academies ensure a climate of pluralism?

The Academies strive to value each child and each member of staff as a unique individual, and expect each to make a unique contribution. A pluralistic perspective is promoted by bringing together individuals from across cultural boundaries, tribal lines, disparate geographic locations, genders, ages, faiths, and economic backgrounds and providing them with a continuous and intensive opportunity to engage with, understand, and come to value each other’s “otherness”.

Stephen Nyundo: Fostering students’ growth through Mathematics

Before we enter the 2019 2020 academic term, we would like to spotlight a few staff from AKA Mombasa who are going on to pursue new adventures in the upcoming academic year. Here, we take a look at Stephen Nyundo, a Mathematics teacher and head of the department, and his five years at the Academy.

Stephen Nyundo is from the Kenyan coast, specifically from a place called Kaloleni and was the head of department for the Mathematics department at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. Apart from the Mathematics department, Stephen was also the year level leader for year 9.

During his five years at the Academy, Stephen said he has admired the supportive relationships he’s made, which have helped him become a better teacher.

“My experience has been enriching and very rewarding at the Academy,” Stephen said. “I have interacted with friendly and accomodating people who did not look at my weaker side. People would tell me things would be fine, even when they actually appeared otherwise. I was supported in my early years in my professional growth and got an opportunity to learn all that I needed to learn. I will miss the family, friendship, strong ties and network I’ve built here. I will definitely miss the Friday treats.”

Stephen said the ethics and values instilled at the Academy not only influenced the students, but himself as well.

“The Academy has molded me to what I now am,” Stephen said. “I will carry with me the Academy values that I am sure will propel me to greatness.”

For the Mathematics department, Stephen said he has worked with students to develop methods on helping other students who might struggle with the subject.

“A good example is 'Euler Fulfillers', a YouTube initiative by two of my Mathematics HL students who came to me with the idea,” Stephen said. “After brainstorming, we thought this was the best move where Academy students can share with their fellow students in the Academy what they know best and also help others out with challenges in Mathematics. The other platform is the ‘MathMagic’, which brought together students from all of the classes to showcase how Mathematics is applied in real-life in the various units covered. The next platform we had planned to start working on was the 'Mathletics', which is a modified form of a treasure hunt. This is where talent is found; students make use of what they have learnt in the classroom to various situations in real-life.”

After his time at the Academy, Stephen said he is ready to pursue other teaching opportunities. However, Catherine Orwe, a Mathematics teacher who works with Stephen, said he will be dearly missed at the Academy by both students and his colleagues.

“Stephen has not been just a colleague for us, but a true friend and a person with a big heart,” Catherine said. “He always made time for all even when he had tight schedules to meet. He is always very positive even when the rest of the crowd was struggling with issues. He always worked very collaboratively with colleagues to achieve our departmental goals. He pleaded with members’ input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise, and he was always willing to learn from all of us. Yes, we have learnt so much from him. He is an amazing Mathematics teacher, and I know his students here will miss him. Stephen is a person that pays attention to details in everything that you do and he is the one who would point out the changes that we needed to make in our presentations both at table and the curriculum implementation. We will definitely miss having a wonderful friend like Stephen. Good luck to him in his future endeavors! We hope the new place he goes to is full of fun and happiness.”


In 2000, His Highness the Aga Khan initiated the establishment of the Aga Khan Academies, an integrated network of schools dedicated to expanding access to the highest standard of education.

The Aga Khan Academies is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), which is chaired by His Highness the Aga Khan. The AKDN has a long history of involvement in education in countries of the developing world, with the first schools now under the AKDN umbrella having been founded in 1905 in India and Zanzibar. Currently, AKDN agencies operate more than 240 schools and educational programmes ranging from early childhood through to post-graduate education.

Establishment of the academies

In 2003, the first of Aga Khan Academy opened in Kenya on an 18-acre site in the Kizingo area of Mombasa. The Aga Khan Academy (AKA) Mombasa has already established a highly successful track record, with its students placing among the top tier worldwide in academic performance.

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad is the second to be established and opened with its first intake of students in August 2011. As with all the Aga Khan Academies, AKA Hyderabad selects students of all socio-economic backgrounds who show promise in academic and other areas, and who demonstrate good character and serious intent.

A third Aga Khan Academy, in Maputo, Mozambique, opened in August 2013 with its lower primary school. In 2022, the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka in Bangladesh opened. 

Future academies

The other Academies are at different stages in the planning and development process.

View a map of the planned network of Academies.

Saumya Gupta: Video spotlight


Meet Saumya, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. A musician and a leader, she shares her wisdom on what it means to make a true positive impact.


Felix Ngumo: Video spotlight


Meet Felix, a student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. With a keen early interest in science, he shares his dreams for the future and explains how the Academies have helped foster his ambitions.

