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AKA Hyderabad students bag awards in city-wide Model UN

AKA Mombasa bids goodbye to exchange students from Hyderabad

Senior School Principal Mr. Francis Kariuki addressing exchange students during Assembly

Calgary Herald reports on the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Opportunities and options abound: New teaching campuses will help transform East Africa, but much work remains.

The Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Kenya, seeks out students with high academic and leadership potential, so they can be provided with an International Baccalaureate education.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa
Calgary Herald

Coastweek: Technology is Hope for the Less Fortunate

Since February 2014, three students from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa have been teaching computer applications to a group of 12 children from Mombasa Children’s Home, located in Kizingo.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
Technology is Hope for the Less Fortunate

Welcome to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka


Video presented by the Aga Khan Academies

A better world through education: The Aga Khan Academies

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Recent News

05 June 2024

For World Environment Day this year, check out the innovative and sustainable projects students across the Aga Khan Schools have put together as their pursuit to be a part of the #GenerationRestoration.

27 May 2024

The Grade 7 students at the Academy have organised an insightful demonstration of weather forecast instruments' 3D models to highlight their learnings on weather and environment.

20 May 2024

Diploma Programme students of the Aga Khan Academy got scholarships from different prestigious universities around the world.

Kashyap Gohel (Class of 2011): Providing solutions to improve the world

"In developed countries many good ideas are funded while great ideas in developing countries are missed out on. I would focus on education and provide forums on creativity and innovation that listen to everyone’s ideas. This would go a long way to improving the planet," says Kashyap Pravin Gohel, a graduate from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, when asked what he would focus on to improve the lives of people if he had all the resources at his disposal.

Kashyap Gohel has been pursuing a Bachelor of Architecture programme at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Nairobi, Kenya since graduating from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa in 2011.  "My top marks at the Aga Khan Academy earned me a government scholarship which is about 85% of the annual fees for my architecture course of six years," says Kashyap very proudly. He expects to graduate from JKUAT in June 2017.

"I think the main values the Academy instilled in me were positive attitude, time management, assertiveness, competitive spirit and self-confidence. These are values that I apply on a day-to-day basis to form the foundation of a successful career in art, product design and architecture," Kashyap says confidently. He also adds that the confidence that his skill set gives him takes him further than most in trying challenging and new projects in his field. With this experience in mind he says, "I am sure I shall be quite a pioneer in creating world-changing ideas."

Kashyap believes the coursework at his university and his time management are going smoothly due to the intense training at the Aga Khan Academy. "Coming from the Academy, I believe it set me a level ahead of others, enabling me to go further than my fellow students." He also values the International Baccalaureate curriculum. "It is the only system that I know of that makes it possible for one to develop holistically. One does not just learn academics, but also extracurricular activities, leadership skills, developing talents and solving community problems," he says emphatically.

Since graduating from the Aga Khan Academy, Kashyap has participated in many major events and activities that have brought him recognition and accolades. He was a winner of  the Perstorp Open Innovation Challenge 2016 in Sweden which involved submitting ideas on making, repairing and remolding furniture into new shapes and designs rather than disposing of used or broken pieces in landfills. Kashyap has also won the Disruption by Design Award for architectural design in 2015. Other accomplishments include being awarded a tender to create a 14-foot-tall carving at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya in 2014 and winning the first round of the Thought for Food Challenge 2013 – an annual competition that challenges university students to develop an innovative solution to improve food security. He also won an international graphic design contest for an Irish boat-making company and has displayed his artwork at Diani Beach Art gallery, Tazama Art Gallery and Kenya Art Fair. 

Kashyap was also nominated and sponsored to attend the One Young World conferences in Pittsburgh, USA in 2012, and in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2013. These summits gather the brightest young leaders from around the world, empowering them to make lasting connections and develop solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues.

Kashyap is particularly proud of his first community service project, called Project Desert Farms. He designed this as an architectural solution to help communities on the coast to filter ocean water, obtain housing and food, and reduce deforestation. This project was selected as a finalist project from a worldwide participation of 140 teams, and the only one in Africa that made it to the Thought for Food Global Summit in Berlin, Germany.

While at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and after graduating in 2011, Kashyap has been actively involved in many projects and volunteer activities and has also worked for the Academy and other companies in his field. In 2011 he worked with planning and construction management at the Aga Khan Academy. He also volunteered there as a theatre teacher for years 7–10 in 2012 and was involved in the design of two of the Academy’s residential blocks.

Kashyap's most unforgettable experience at the Academy was being a dorm captain in the residential programme. "One of the things I miss about the Academy is the organisation…[and the] efficient order in the way it operates," he comments. Another thing he misses about the Academy is the facilities. "It’s only after leaving the Academy that you appreciate the constant high speed Wi-Fi, adequate number of desks and chairs for students, high-class sports facilities and equipment, and most of all the great ocean climate and friendly people. As they say, nothing beats home," Kashyap reminisces nostalgically.

Director's Welcome

Salim A.L. Bhatia
Director of Academies
The Aga Khan Academies are a network of schools being established by His Highness the Aga Khan in countries across South and Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

As the Director of Academies, I have been entrusted with His Highness’s extraordinary vision for the Academies as a global learning community, where young people develop the capacity to become future leaders of civil society.

The underlying idea of the Aga Khan Academies network is to concentrate substantial resources on those exceptional individuals – students and teachers – who have the potential to transform society. When provided with a world-class education, exceptional students from any background can achieve their significant potential and in so doing improve their lives, the lives of their families, their communities, their country and the world. 

At this time, we envisage a network of approximately 18 campuses across 14 countries that, when fully developed, will be teaching 14,000 students.

Each Aga Khan Academy will reach out to students of all backgrounds, regardless of culture, race, religion or financial circumstance.

The Academies follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, ensuring a global standard of educational excellence and external validation through the annual IB Diploma exams.

The Academies also work to enhance the quality of teaching, the base on which good education rests. Each Aga Khan Academy will provide professional development programmes for teachers and school leaders from within the Academy as well as from government and other schools.

The students in our existing Academies are already achieving exceptional results across domains spanning academics, athletics and the arts. And our alumni, many of whom attend leading universities around the world, are demonstrating a deep sense of social responsibility and a commitment to return to serve their home countries.

Ultimately, we hope that the qualities of good leadership – sound moral judgment, self-discipline, a pluralistic outlook and civic responsibility – are the qualities that will distinguish Aga Khan Academy graduates.

"Our goal, then, is not to provide special education for a privileged elite – but to provide an exceptional education for the truly exceptional." His Highness the Aga Khan (Hyderabad, September 2006)I invite you to explore our website further to learn more about the Aga Khan Academies and the unique and innovative programme they offer.

With warm wishes,

Salim A.L. Bhatia
Director of Academies

Meet Bushra Fairooz Medha, Grade 4 teaching assistant

Meet Nafisa Nawar, Grade 2 teaching assistant

Meet Sonia Islam, Grade 3 teaching assistant
