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Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh visit the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

The Junior and Senior Schools

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad is made up of two schools, the Junior School and the Senior School, which together cater to students from grade 1 (age 6) to university entrance.

Junior School

All Junior School students follow the International Bacaalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Through the PYP, our students learn to be confident, independent and creative learners.

The Junior School building has been designed to address the needs of younger children, with age-appropriate facilities and classrooms. In addition to the PYP classrooms, the building contains the Junior School library, and music, art and information technology rooms. There are also large playing fields and a playground.

Senior School

Students in the Senior School pursue either the IB Middle Years Programme or the IB Diploma Programme. Those from the local area can choose to attend as day students, while those from other parts of the country or region live on campus as part of the residential programme.

The Middle Years Programme is for students in grades 6–10. It helps them master essential skills and knowledge, and teaches them to be critical and analytical thinkers. The Diploma Programme is offered to students in the final two years of school. It is an internationally recognised and demanding programme that prepares students for university entrance.

The school caters to both the intellectual and personal growth of students. It has a wide range of facilities that include:

  • laboratories for the sciences and information technology
  • art and music rooms
  • library and resource centre
  • career counselling centre
  • student and teacher lounges
  • cafeteria and dining area. 

The building is networked so that computers become common resources for teachers and students. The multipurpose hall can be used for a variety of events ranging from theatre productions to parent–teacher meetings. The school also has swimming facilities as well as playing fields for soccer, field hockey and athletics.


For further information about applying to any of the programmes offered at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, please refer to the admission requirements.

Professional swimmer K. Surendra leads Academy swim team to victory

“It’s been a great pleasure to share my previous teaching experience here at the Academy,” commented Surendra. “The Academy is filled with enthusiasm when it comes to sports, particularly swimming.”
K.Surendra has been the swimming coach at the Academy for the past four years. Surendra began his career as a swimmer for the Indian Defense, where he worked for five years. Given his interest in education, he made the transition to teaching physical education and swimming. Prior to working at the Academy, he taught at an IB school in New Delhi for eight years. 
“It’s been a great pleasure to share my previous teaching experience here at the Academy,” commented Surendra. “The Academy is filled with enthusiasm when it comes to sports, particularly swimming.” 
Surendra has utilised his sports and teaching experience in several international schools to build an award-winning swim team at the Academy. The AKA Hyderabad swim team has been consistently successful, bagging several dozen medals during his tenure.
In fact, the Academy’s swim team has been awarded the title of PYP Network Champions twice. Students won 43 medals at the PYP interschool swimming competition held at Indus International School in 2017. More recently, Surendra’s team won 59 medals in the interschool swim meet held at Oakridge International School on 31st August 2017, and at Glendale School on 1st October 2017. Among the medals earned were 32 gold medals and 19 silver medals. 
“The swim team would like to thank all the parents and teachers for their support. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible,” added Surendra. 
In September 2018, Surendra participated in the Telangana Swim Master's Championships winning four golds for 50 and 100m backstroke, 50m butterfly and 50m freestyle. At the 5th Masters National Swimming Championship held in Kurnool at the end of October 2018, he outshone his competition to win four gold medals, one each in 50m, 100m backstroke, 50m butterfly and breastroke disciplines. He had also won two silver medals in the 4x50 medley relay & 4x50 freestyle relay. 
 Writer: Jennifer Tubbs

Meet Our School Community

The students, faculty and parents of the Aga Khan Academy are a socially conscious group of people committed to the development of their communities, their nation and civil society in the world at large. They understand that knowledge is a lifelong process of inquiry that leads to intellectual and personal growth. In this section we offer vignettes of members of the Academy family who are driven by the common goal of making a positive contribution to their society.

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Teacher Professional Development

Promoting excellence in teaching and learning, both on campus and more broadly, is a fundamental goal of the Aga Khan Academies. Each Academy has a Professional Development Centre (PDC), which strengthens the profession of teaching in the region by investing substantially in teachers’ professional development.

Developing strength in teaching

We identify and develop teachers of the highest quality who are committed both to the all-round development of young people and to their own professional growth as excellent teachers.

Our PDC supports excellence in teaching by promoting best practices in teaching and learning. We provide ongoing, collaborative training for Academy faculty as well as outreach programmes for teachers and head teachers from neighbouring government, private and not-for-profit schools. Our faculty members also have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the globe and to teach abroad within the Aga Khan Academies network.

Learning at the PDC

Progamming at the Academy’s PDC began in June 2010 with a course from the Professional Learning for Educators Series (PLES). The PLES programmes are designed by the Aga Khan Academies. They respond to the need to improve the standard of teaching and learning identified during extensive market research and interaction with government and departments of education.

The series includes programmes for teachers in various subject areas as well as specialised programmes focusing on skills and understandings related to education. We build professional competence by enhancing teachers’ subject knowledge and by examining how to teach that subject effectively. Each programme provides participants with a balance of intensive learning activities followed by an extended period of assisted application and observation within their own classrooms.

Strengthening curriculum and community

Through our professional development provision, we help create a professional community of competent, well-resourced teachers. These teachers will continue to support and collaborate with one another on resource development, by sharing best practices, and in establishing diverse academic, cultural and social projects.

Leadership in Action - Year 10

As part of the Leadership Programme, the Year 10 students participated in this year’s very successful Zawadi Bazaar by running 8 socially responsible business stalls. The student-run stalls provided a diversity of products and services, from selling foods and drinks to running a curio shop and branding water bottles. The main focus was not in making a profit alone, but in ensuring that the businesses were environmentally friendly and beneficial to the community at large.

As part of the Entrepreneurship Unit of the Leadership Programme, students in each mentor group had to conceptualise and implement a socially responsible business venture.  This involved several weeks of preparation including brainstorming, writing a business proposal and planning the budget.

Experiences such as these are designed to give students concrete opportunities to experiment with and develop their social entrepreneurship skills. The young entrepreneurs were highly effective in involving the local community in their projects with most products sold being sourced locally. The students also sought to get Mombasa businesses and organisations directly involved in their projects. 

For example, one group created “The Water Bottle Project”, a business initiative designed to promote recycling, and worked closely with Wildliving Resources, a local organization which promotes sustainability. Another mentor group teamed up with Springbreak, an NGO promoting social entrepreneurial skills, and used more than half of the profits generated by their business to buy and donate 10 solar lights to families in the town of Mavueni who had no access to electricity.   

Year 10 student, Rabia Dhanani, sums up the experience in her end of unit reflection: “[The] Leadership Programme this semester was very informative and a fun filled learning experience as well. I enjoyed the unit of social entrepreneurship mostly because it was more practical. I learnt a lot during Zawadi Bazaar because it was the time when I had to use everything I had learnt, which was awesome, and it also taught me how to diplomatically deal with customers.”

The vision for Aga Khan Academy graduates

Education at its best facilitates positive growth in all domains – intellectual, social, physical, ethical and spiritual – leading to the well-rounded development of the child. The Aga Khan Academies aim toward this ideal, and the values they espouse are reflected in each school’s aspirations for its students.

Students at an Academy pursue a well-balanced education combining intellectual inquiry, academic excellence, sporting and cultural activities, and a grounding in ethics and moral reasoning 

They are committed to rigour and self-discipline in their studies and subscribe to the principles of intellectual honesty in the preparation of their work.

They respect their teachers and fellow students. They extend their respect to the cultural, religious and political convictions of others in school and in society. They dedicate themselves to debate issues honestly and fairly. They aim to understand and recognise the value of other views even as they value their own.

They are self-aware and socially conscious. They are committed to the development of their communities, their nation and civil society in the world at large. They are motivated to help others less fortunate than themselves.

They strive to acquire knowledge as part of a balanced, lifelong process of inquiry that leads to intellectual and personal growth, as well as a means to fulfil material goals.

The mastery of a particular discipline is balanced by a broad knowledge of several subjects, including science, art, literature and music.

They are also citizens of the world and at ease in environments and settings other than their own. They are generous and tolerant towards other cultures and traditions.

They are bilingual or multilingual.

They embrace the rich diversity of the world while valuing their own identity. 

Read more  here.

Interested to know more about our graduates? See spotlights on our alumni
