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Clone of Contact the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Where To Find Us

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Ka-65/1, Kuratoli

(+880) 9638 111222 / 1709 997515 (general enquiries)

For admissions:

Phone: +880 1709 997510



Essential contact information for the Academy is available here.

Write to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Are you looking for information about admissions? If so, kindly indicate the grades (ages of children) you are looking to enroll.

Why Choose the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Admission to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka is based on merit. This is broadly defined as exceptional intellectual potential, leadership, a commitment to learning, strong sense of integrity, and the desire to work towards and instigate positive change.

As part of a network of Academies, we have been established to provide exceptional students from all backgrounds with an outstanding education.

We seek students representing a diverse range of economic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We look for students who have the ability and motivation to excel academically and who demonstrate leadership in community service and other co-curricular pursuits.

We are more than just residential schools that strive to give their students a sound academic foundation. We emphasise the importance of academic excellence while instilling in students a sense of civic responsibility and the desire, ability and commitment to give back to their communities locally and globally.

"In my view, the most important thing a student can learn in any educational institution is the ability to keep on learning."His Highness the Aga Khan (Mombasa, August 2007)

Our educational approach measures success not just by academic achievement, but by how students apply what they know to make the world a better place. The overall educational programme is designed to foster students’ curiosity while providing them with the skills and intellectual confidence to engage with what they do not know and find answers and solutions.

A better world through education: The Aga Khan Academies

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The International Baccalaureate featured the Aga Khan Academies and our approach to creating home-grown leaders as part of their 50th anniversary commemoration. Watch to learn how the Academies work to transform the communities in which they are located.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Contact the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Where To Find Us

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Ka-65/1, Kuratoli

(+880) 9638 111222 / 1709 997515 (general enquiries)

For admissions:

Phone: +880 1709 997510



Essential contact information for the Academy is available here.

Write to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Are you looking for information about admissions? If so, kindly indicate the grades (ages of children) you are looking to enroll.
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First cohort of Teacher Preparation Programme fellows graduate at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

TPP graduation 2024
