Swahili | Aga Khan Academies

Celebrating Swahili Day 2018

Swahili Day is a day that has been set aside by the school, every year to celebrate the Kiswahili language and culture of the Swahili people. This year marks eleven years since the start of these celebrations.

Swahili Pride at the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

On 29th May 2015, the Aga Khan Academy held a school-wide Swahili Day celebration under the theme Kiswahili: Ngao Yetu (Kiswahili: Our Shield).

Swahili Culture Influences Year 10 Art Project

The Year 10s took an art trip to Old Town in Mombasa to learn more about Swahili doors.

Swahili Day Style

Swahili Day is a day for celebrating the colourful clothing, tasty bitings, henna painting, music and all things Swahili.

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