Service Learning | Aga Khan Academies

AKA Dhaka students step into the exciting realm of service learning

Grade 6 and 7 students serves self-grown fresh vegetables to the support staff

Grade 6 and 7 students start their journey on service learning by serving self-grown fresh vegetables and lemonade to the academic support staff.

Year 10 Service Learning demonstration

Service learning is an innovative educational approach that combines sustainable service with academic learning objectives. It is an immersive experience that allows students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-life situations, learn about the needs of their local community, and develop essential skills such as empathy, leadership, and teamwork. Kauthar Mohamed, Student Leadership and Service-Learning Coordinator tells us more about the Year 10 Service Learning demonstration.

Creating bonds through sports

On 18 November, the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad hosted 90 students from the Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential School for a fun day filled with sports.

Creativity, Activity, Service: Teaching students meaningful life lessons through hands-on learning

Students studying the IB Diploma Programme at the Academy have been regularly volunteering to spend some quality time on various projects that enable service-based learning. Over the last few days, around 28 students of DP 1 had planted more than 300 different varieties of organic vegetables and flowers on the Academy campus!

Service Learning group encourages literacy learning

For Service Learning this year, the year 8s at AKA Mombasa worked with a local school to promote literacy learning.

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