Junior School Parent Information Evening | Aga Khan Academies

Junior School Parent Information Evening

10 September 2008

We held our Junior School Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 9th September 2008. This annual event is principally to introduce our "new" parents and give our "old" parents an overview of our year’s curriculum, across the board from Year 1 to Year 6. What a successful, informative evening, thank you parents for a good turn-out! Thank you staff for your preparation and presentations!

PYP Co-ordinator
Ms Catherine Wambua gave presentations about PYP assessments, and the role and importance of student portfolios. The students play an active role in being responsible for their goal-setting and learning, and at the end of the academic year the portfolios should reflect an accurate assessment of their performance over the year. Thank you Catherine!
Language Arts
The role of literacy touches on every aspect of learning. Parents were encouraged to play a positive and active role in helping their children become better readers and writers. Mrs Namadoa presented the English Language PYP curriculum. Thank you Kezziah!
Ruth presented the Math overview of PYP. The Houghton Mifflin textbooks are being used across the Junior School. It was emphasised that homework is an extension of work done in the classroom and it was important for the student to employ the same methodology as used in the classroom. Thank you Ruth!
Learning Support
The Learning Support Unit plays an important role in bridging gaps, in areas where students require some help. The Unit provides a wide range of services, including assistance in academic work and counseling. Parents are fully involved in this process, every student should be able to learn at their best level and be happy and confident at school. Thank you Pam! (More photographs)