Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Earns Top School Award at International Science Fair | Aga Khan Academies

Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Earns Top School Award at International Science Fair

22 May 2015

Students from the Academy recently excelled at the Golden Climate Competition.

The aim of the science contest is to encourage global understanding of environmental issues and the achievement of sustainability, hence providing challenges and opportunities for students to be agents of change by identifying environmental problems and designing sustainable solutions.  

In total, 22 countries participated in the contest, presenting ideas in several categories. Each category had an average of 25 entries. After passing through the national level competition, four of our students represented Kenya across four different categories.  

Our students received the following awards:

‣Agriculture Category – Rithwik Gokhale took the gold medal for his sustainable motorized farm vehicle to service small-scale farmers. 

‣Environment Category – Kamila Janmohamed took the silver medal for her innovative lowcost anaerobic biogas digester. 

‣Engineering Category – Collins Sam took the bronze medal for his functioning solarpowered precipitator used to reduce hazardous gases in the ozone layer. 

‣Environmental Design Category – Rishika Gokhale took the bronze medal for her inventive idea of using plastic bag shreds with sand, soil and some cement to make eco-friendly bricks. 

The AKA, Mombasa was awarded the overall Top School Award.

Congratulations to all who took part!