VOX debaters go all out | Aga Khan Academies

VOX debaters go all out

15 September 2017
The Reflection team – the Academy’s school magazine publication group – set up intense debates for those with a love of public speaking on Saturday 9th September. The organizers did not fail to stir up excitement from the audience, since the platform was open to everyone. Audience members, in addition to the debaters, were free to express their thoughts as well. 
First, students were grouped into teams by grade levels. Morning debate topics centred on Academy life, such as the Enrichment Program and study hour, while the afternoon’s debate topics were proposed by each team. 
Seniors in the audience couldn’t help but cheer for their houses at the top of their lungs as the debates heated up minute by minute. Debates on topics such as the “gender equality gap” and “animal testing” offered new perspectives on these controversial subjects. Even juniors had the chances to debate. They discussed topics such as “the importance of success over happiness” and “logic over science.” The juniors were no less of an outstanding batch than the seniors!
Overall, it was a Saturday well-spent. Being able to co-judge the senior debate and host the junior debate with my peers made it an experience to remember.
Student contributor: Alishah Al Kareem