Sapling Plantation Drive | Aga Khan Academies

Sapling Plantation Drive

09 September 2022

Diploma Programme (DP) 2 students Aijaz Bagani and Dhruv Agarwal of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad spearheaded a tree plantation drive under the supervision of Mr Vlad Gogelescu and Mr Venkat Reddy. The initiative was part of their creativity, activity, service (CAS) project, the primary purpose of which is to enhance students' personal and interpersonal development and ability to collaborate with others. 

With the help of DP1 students and the Academy’s gardening staff, a total of 70 fruit trees were planted, such as sweet orange, mango, sapota, pear, papaya and many more.  

“We not only wanted to do this for the betterment of the environment but also had a long-term goal – to provide the harvest to the underprivileged in our neighbourhood,” Aijaz said.

In addition to embodying the Aga Khan Academies' Learner Profile attribute of stewardship, Aijaz and Dhruv took it one step further by ensuring their tree plantation drive would benefit their local communities.

“We are grateful to the nursery, which donated the saplings, and thank everyone who took the time to help us make this a successful endeavour,” said Dhruv. “I love the fact that I’ll be able to impact the lives of others even after I graduate.”